I remember that night, long time, I remember her delicate body lying on the ground, I remember his white skin, whiter than normal, even whiter than this piece of paper, I remember her long black hair, bright, partly due to faint rays of moonlight coming through the window, but mostly bright blood that moistened; remember her beautiful face locked in an expression, almost imperceptible, horror, I remember his blue eyes, inert, discovered, staring figure of him who had withered, who had started his light, light that had turned the eyes of its owner in the most beautiful and charming look, look me captive and fall in love, but at that time had become cold and dull look, a look that I condemned, resulting in every inch of my being a terrible feeling chills, feeling until then unknown to me.Also remember feeling his last breath around my neck, her last heartbeat in my chest, his body falling into a horrible relaxation, her fear turned into an unusually quiet, calm detachment caused by his mortal soul, calmly stating that his life was about to end at that time, but also remember part of its essence steeped in the depths of my being, staying within my.Now I wonder what hope there might be for someone who was granted the gift of love? What comfort could be offered to those who have lost everything? One who has lost the one thing he loved, the one who has lost a salvation for your soul, the answer is simple: There is no hope for a being created by the desire of God, a being whose only purpose is to serve, to a being neutered all human feeling, there could be no hope for an angel, an angel to be met most sublime of all creation, an angel who fell in love with him, his way of being, of feeling, of expressing and living no, definitely can not offer comfort to an angel love to Love.I decided to cut my wings for her, fate decided to deny that the creator had planned for me, I decided to give back to the almighty just to be with her, Ah! If only I had known what to expect, would have abandoned my efforts to be with her, would rather spend a thousand eternities without your love instead of hurt, and is an angel knows very little about feelings, and when converted into human, is not the way to express them, can not find the way to give a kiss, I can not! Now I know.The night I became a man went to his house and from the window of his room the note, he was lying on his bed sleeping, perhaps dreaming of our love, imagining that we were free to love. For the first time I saw her with mortal eyes and fell in love even more about it and the note for a long time, rapt, imagining and dreaming also, perhaps felt my gaze, because suddenly opened his eyes, got up looking around that presence that had disturbed his sleep and he recognized me, hurried and surprised, went to open the locks of that huge window to let me pass and I did, once inside talk him what happened, his face lit up like never before, jumped joy and gave me a hug followed by a kiss on the lips, I try to match their caresses and not as a step, but the kiss was stained with blood, Oh! Your sweet blood, when I tried it I could not stop, the desire to drink more was all I regia at that time, more blood, More! More! More! I bit his neck and drank, snatching life barely hear their gasps, so if a question was clearly heard a whisper from his dying voice: Why? When you hear those words I realized what I was doing, and away from my lifeless body fell to the floor, stunned look my crime and all I did was fall on his knees and mourn all night, Ah! that night I learned a lot of human feelings.When the first rays of sunlight entered the room, I noticed that the light was hurting me as if burned my skin, so I hid in the shadows again until nightfall, watching all that day the body of the one woman who had I myself loved and musfoirder. Apparently his absence was not noticeable because nobody went to get up and fall at night, when I heard footsteps approaching the room went out the window, fled and took refuge in this section and abandoned place. It was night and became part of the sentence, conviction for my disobedience and my crime, increase blood lust and drinking this precious liquid became the only way I have to survive. It has been more than a hundred years since that night, sometimes I would see myself in a mirror just to know how old I am, but I can not. How long will the sentence? I think the answer is eternity. Meanwhile I\'ll wait and remember.